Fiberglass pool companies in Columbia

7 Maintenance Tips from Fiberglass Pool Companies in Columbia Alabama

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Fiberglass pools are renowned for their easy installation, visual appeal, and cost-effective repairs. However, maintaining them timely is vital to keep them in top-notch condition. While you can hire professional maintenance services for this purpose, you can do a few things yourself.

So, let’s explore seven maintenance tips provided by fiberglass pool companies in Columbia, Alabama. These tips will assist you in maintaining your pool’s pristine condition.

7 Maintenance Tips from Fiberglass Pool Companies in Columbia, Alabama

1.    Regular Cleaning

Consistent cleaning of the pool’s surface is essential. This includes removing leaves, insects, dirt, and other debris that can accumulate on the water’s surface. Neglecting this can lead to clogged filters, hindered water circulation, and unsightly buildup along the pool edges, causing stains and potentially fostering algae growth.

2.    Balanced Water Chemistry

The pool water consists of many chemicals, such as chlorine, bromine, calcium, sodium bicarbonate, and many more. However, maintaining their balance is crucial. If the pH levels are too high or too low, it can result in corrosion or scale buildup on the pool surface. Therefore, fiberglass pool companies in Columbia, Alabama, emphasize keeping your pool’s water chemistry under check to avoid rough and uncomfortable surfaces.

3.    Avoid Harsh Cleaning Products

It’s important to remember that fiberglass pools have sensitive surfaces, and using abrasive and acidic products on them directly can have detrimental effects. Therefore, using chemicals like muriatic acid, hydrochloric acid, acetones, and paint thinners without diluting them properly can etch or damage the surface while compromising the pool’s integrity and appearance.

For fiberglass surfaces, take a gentle approach using a sponge or soft cloth paired with a non-abrasive cleaner to remove these stains, marks, and dirt effectively. To tackle hairline scratches, you can use an epoxy layer to coat them so they don’t expand.

4.    Regular Shock Treatments

Another great tip by fiberglass pool companies in Columbia Alabama, is to regularly shock the pool as it helps eliminate bacteria, algae, and other contaminants. Further, this also prevents cloudy water and reduces the need for excessive chlorine, which, if not managed correctly, can create high pressure within the pool’s structure.

Excessive pressure can weaken the fiberglass, leading to cracks or structural damage.

5.    Equipment Maintenance

Routine checks and maintenance of the pool’s filtration system, pumps, and other equipment are important. Clogged filters or malfunctioning pumps can disrupt water circulation, leading to stagnation and potential damage to the pool surface due to improper water flow and filtration.

6.    Avoiding Sharp Objects

When performing maintenance, ensure that no sharp or abrasive objects come into contact with the pool surface. Even seemingly harmless items like certain pool toys or sharp corners of vacuum hose can scratch or damage the fiberglass, compromising its smooth finish and structural integrity over time

7.    Changing Water

Regular water changes are crucial for the proper maintenance of a swimming pool. Fiberglass pool companies in Columbia, Alabama, suggest that relying solely on filters and chlorine for extended periods is not a viable option. To prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria and algae, it is essential to drain the pool and replace the water every two to three years.


Are you tired of constantly cleaning and maintaining your pool? Do not worry because experienced fiberglass pool companies in Columbia, Alabama, have shared some valuable tips to help you prolong the life of your pool while keeping it looking great. By following these seven proactive maintenance tips, you can save yourself from costly repairs in the future. Remember, addressing minor maintenance issues today can prevent major problems down the line.

Do you have questions about fiberglass pool care? Reach out to Off the Deep End. Our seasoned professionals are ready to solve your pool challenges. Call us at (615) 766-2330 and get a free quote today!

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